- An essay on liberation - Herbert Marcuse
- Ancient Society - Morgan
- Authoritarian personality - Adorno
- Bureaucratic structure and personality- Merton
- Cities in Evolution - Patric Geddes
- Citizenship and social class - Thomas H Marshall
- Class conflict in industrial society - Dahrendorf
- Class in modern society- Bottomore
- Coming of Age in Samoa - Margaret Mead
- Community: A sociological study- Maclver
- Configuration of culture growth- Kroeber
- Cultural patterns and technical change- Margaret Mead
- Culture and Ecology - Lowie
- Democracy in America - Tocquerville
- Dialectics of nature- Engels
- Elements of social organization - R Firth
- Equality- R.H Tawney
- Eros and Civilization - Herbert Marcuse
- Exchange and Power in social life - Peter Blay
- Folk culture of Yucatan - Robert Redfield
- History of human marriage - Westermarck
- Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes
- Madness and civilization - Foucault
- Middle Class Families - C.Bell
- Mind,Self and society- Mead
- Modernization :Protest and Change - Eisenstadat S.N
- One dimensional man- Herbert Marcuse
- Patterns of Culture - Ruth Benedict
- Peasant society and culture - Robert Redfield
- Phenomenology of Mind - Hegel
- Phenomenology of social work- Alfred Schutz
- Philosophy of History - Hegel
- Philosophy of Right - Hegel
- Plan of the scientific works necessary for the reorganization of society - St Simon with Comte
- Primitive Culture - Tylor
- Primitive society- Lowie
- Principle of population - Malthus
- Protestant Ethic and Modernization: A Comparative View- Eisenstadat S.N(Edited)
- Rise of Mentocracy - M Young
- Significance and limits of category of social role - Dahrendorf
- Social Change - W.F Ogburn
- Social Change - Wilbert Moore
- Social processes - C.H Cooley
- Social research- George Lundberg
- Society and knowledge -Garden Child
- Soviet Marxism- Herbert Marcuse
- Structure of science- Nagel
- Studies in Ethnomethodology- Harold Garfinkel
- System of logic- J.S Mill
- The acquisitive society- R.H Tawney
- The anatomy of work - George Friedmann
- The birth of a prison- Foucault
- The birth of the clinic - Foucault
- The Chrysanthemum and the sword- Ruth Benedict
- The city- R.E Park
- The Coming of Post industrial society- Daniel Bell
- The cultural contradictions of capitalism- Daniel Bell
- The dynamics of bureaucracy- Peter Blay
- The End of Ideology - Daniel Bell
- The folk culture of Yucatan - Robert Redfield
- The Function of social conflict - L.A Coser
- The future of an illusion- Freud
- The human group -Homans
- The little community and peasant society- Robert Redfield
- The new man of power - C.W Mills
- The social construction of reality - Berger and Luckman
- The social life of modern community- Kingsley Davis
- The sociological imagination - C Wright Mills
- The sociology of economic life - Smelsor
- The sociology of modernization and development - David Harrison
- White Collar - C Wright Mills
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